Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Learned a huge lesson this week, when you go to a god damn casino, go in with a goal, stick to one game and don't let emotions get in the way. I've probably told myself that about million times before I started playing and yet I didn't listen to myself. Maybe if I vent by taking a different approach rather than just telling myself verbally I might just listen. Stick to what you're good at (hold'em)!!! Only play roulette if you have a huge bankroll or only with your winnings if you're feeling ballsy.Take what you can fford to lose and leave everything else at home so that you don't access to funds thus limiting your damage. As for other news, I am 22 years old and I don't have a job yet. what to do? I have a beautiful gf that I know deserves better than what I can offer. What should I do tomorrrow? hmmm email mark, fill out my erecruiting profile, call acpa, wake up at 8 to work out, eat right and keep a daily journal of my expenses because i am so damn irresponsible. Well lets try to see if writing abt it works, because nothing else until now has....till tomorrow.